Horticultural Varieties - For sustainable landscaping + homesteading

For your sustainable homestead, we offer additional a limited selection of non-native plants that fall into one of two categories:

1) Ornamental landscaping plants: Though non-native as originally introduced and bred for human enjoyment, these specialty plants have been shown to be non-invasive. 

2) Coming soon - Ontario-hardy fruit trees + edible plants: Plants bred to produce the food we know and love from our grocery stores. Get planting for fresh eats year-over-year when grown at home, which helps provide food security, sustainably. 

All our plants are grown locally in Ontario without the use of neonicotinoids, which are a group of pesticides used in agriculture to protect crops from various insects that also harms the nervous system of our native, beneficial insects. 

Magnolia stellata 'Waterlily' - Waterlily Star Magnolia // Potted ornamentals

Magnolia stellata 'Waterlily' - Waterlily Star Magnolia // Potted ornamentals

$73.75 Regular price $150.00

Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' - Royal Star Magnolia // Potted ornamentals

Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' - Royal Star Magnolia // Potted ornamentals

$90.00 Regular price $100.00

Magnolia sp. 'Ann' - Ann Magnolia // Potted ornamentals

Magnolia sp. 'Ann' - Ann Magnolia // Potted ornamentals

$73.75 Regular price $100.00

Magnolia loebneri 'Leonard Messel' - Loebner Magnolia 'Leonard Messel'// Potted ornamentals

Magnolia loebneri 'Leonard Messel' - Loebner Magnolia 'Leonard Messel'// Potted ornamentals

$81.25 Regular price $100.00

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A-B Tree Co.

St Williams

Nursery &

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