Choke Cherry - Prunus virginiana | Pots // Native plants

$13.50 Sale Save
Choke Cherry - Prunus virginiana | Shrub from StWilliamsNursery&EcologyCentre
Choke Cherry - Prunus virginiana | Shrub from StWilliamsNursery&EcologyCentre
Choke Cherry - Prunus virginiana | Shrub from StWilliamsNursery&EcologyCentre
Choke Cherry - Prunus virginiana | Shrub from StWilliamsNursery&EcologyCentre

Choke Cherry - Prunus virginiana | Pots // Native plants

Note: Larger pots (2gal+) may require special delivery for local area addresses or pickup by appointment later in June. We will provide timing and more details to follow. For more help, please contact us.

$13.50 Sale Save
Size/Format Pots 1-GAL

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A versatile deciduous shrub or small tree native to North America, thriving in moist soil along streams, roadsides, and forest edges. Here's a concise overview of its features: - Multi-stemmed, reaching 20 to 30 feet tall, often forming dense thickets. - Dark green, alternate, simple, turning yellow to reddish-orange in fall, with serrated margins. - Fragrant clusters of small white flowers with five petals in spring, attracting pollinators. - Tart drupe, initially green, turning dark purple to black when ripe, used in various culinary applications. - Dark gray bark to blackish on mature trees, with shallow furrows and ridges; reddish-brown on younger branches. - Native to North America, found in a variety of habitats, particularly common in the Great Plains, Midwest, and parts of Canada. - Provides food and habitat for wildlife, including birds, mammals, and insects, supporting biodiversity.
  • Full-sun

Ships from: StWilliamsNursery&EcologyCentre

As we grow, opt for 1-Gal or 4-inch Pots for quicker order processing. Larger 2-Gal pots may take longer to arrive, possibly needing pickup by appointment or special delivery. We plan to introduce more shipping options in various Ontario regions over time.