Hamamelis virginiana - Witch Hazel | WB - Wirebasket

Witch Hazel  - Hamamelis virginiana  | Shrub / Small Tree from ABTrees

Hamamelis virginiana - Witch Hazel | WB - Wirebasket

Blowout pricing for volume orders. Contact our team to get started.
Caliper (mm) WB 150 cm ht
- Birds feed on the fruit, small animals, deer and beaver feed on the seeds - Oils are extracted from the bark for natural medicines - Fragrant flower

Most trees are sold by caliper size (mm), which measures the external diameter of the trunk, 6” up from the bottom of each tree in Aug-Sept.

Multi-stemmed shrubs and conifers that branch near the base are sold by height (cm) measured around the same time.

Plants are lifted out of the field and put into wirebaskets once weather permits and temperatures cool (in spring and fall) so trees are dormant for best results with transportation and planting.


  • Partial-sun
  • Shade



  • Ontario

Bloom Colour:

  • Yellow