Quercus palustris - Pin Oak | WB - Wirebasket

Pin Oak  - Quercus palustris  | Deciduous Tree from ABTrees
Pin Oak  - Quercus palustris  | Deciduous Tree from ABTrees
Pin Oak  - Quercus palustris  | Deciduous Tree from ABTrees
Pin Oak  - Quercus palustris  | Deciduous Tree from ABTrees

Quercus palustris - Pin Oak | WB - Wirebasket

Blowout pricing for volume orders. Contact our team to get started.
Caliper (mm) 70MM WB
- Valued for its smaller stature, symmetrical shape, and it features vibrant folliage in the fall seaso - Adaptable to most soil conditions including clay soil so can be a great choice to tolerate urban conditions, but tends to prefer more rich, slightly acidic soil - Ideal for moist sites and can tolerant short periods of standing water or seasonal flooding - Pin oak is locally abundant nearby to east & west of Lake Erie, but has also been planted beyond this range.

Most trees are sold by caliper size (mm), which measures the external diameter of the trunk, 6” up from the bottom of each tree in Aug-Sept.

Multi-stemmed shrubs and conifers that branch near the base are sold by height (cm) measured around the same time.

Plants are lifted out of the field and put into wirebaskets once weather permits and temperatures cool (in spring and fall) so trees are dormant for best results with transportation and planting.


  • Full-sun
  • Partial-sun



  • Ontario

Bloom Colour:

  • Green